Archive for sailing boats in the harbor

Valletta waterfront

Posted in Travel with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 6, 2007 by scotttraveler

On my first full day in Malta, I contracted with a tour company to take a full island tour.  The company runs double decker busses all over the island, in a circular loop, and you can climb on and off at any point along the way.  The narrated tour busses cover all of the major sites and destinations and run the length of the day.  I had done a tour like this in Washington D.C. and found it to be a great way to learn about a place and still have the flexibility to make your own schedule.  As I walked to the bus pickup point, I came along the waterfront near the opening of the Valletta Harbor and captured some shots.  I was impressed with the large number of sailing boats  and yachts that were harbored here.

On the second day, the sun came out and I was able to capture some photos that were a little “brighter.”  Malta really is a charming vacation destination and I look forward to coming back during the summer time.

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