Archive for backpacking

blog update: 40th country visit

Posted in Travel with tags , , , , , , , , on June 5, 2010 by scotttraveler


In just 6 months since I started this blog it has received over 7,000 hits averaging about 8 to 10 Google and other search engine hits daily.  As I continue to post travel stories taken from my journals and photos from my hard drives, that number is likely to go up.  Since I started tracking IP address traffic in February, we’ve added a new country visit today from Iraq.  This site has now been read by web surfers from 40 different countries.

Just wanted to say “thanks” for taking the time to check out my travel stories and do check back from time to time.

Stories, posts, reports, photos, videos and all other content on this site is copyright protected © and is  the property of Scott Traveler, all rights reserved; content on this site may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes provided that it is attributed to Scott Traveler at:

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Yangshuo Cooking School

Posted in Travel with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 3, 2009 by scotttraveler

Our friend Jennifer, invited us for a cooking class and lunch at the Yangshuo Cooking School.  After we departed the market and came to the school grounds, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was right on the bank of the Li River overlooking a stunning view of the river, the mountains and also the heart of Yangshuo.

I purchased a bottle of wine at the local grocery store at the entrance to the tourist district.  One grocery store had some imported French wine that sold for 65 yuan per bottle (about $10) and was a nice step up from the Chinese “Great Wall” red wine that, while it was drinkable, left much to be desired in the taste area.  I thought that this import would make a nice photo of (what would soon be our) our lunchtime view.

The view looking up the river towards Xingping; as always, the beautiful mountains of Yangshuo provide a lovely view:

While I snapped photos, Jennifer was teaching Anya and the other girls how to make a Yangshuo favorite: Beer Fish.  We also had a mixed vegetable dish and tofu and another dish of chicken with cashew nuts (my personal favorite).  In this photo, Helen took some of the freshly chopped veggies to the cooking kitchen.  The kitchen has broad open windows with a view of the Li River.  For those who love to cook, you cannot find a more beautiful location in Yangshuo.

Our student chefs mixing up tofu and vegetables:

Jennifer is mixing up the beer fish and in case you were wondering, yes, it is actually made with beer (green bottle on the table).  I cannot begin to describe how wonderful the beer fish is.  Cooked properly it has the most wonderful flavor and is served on the bone.  When you grab some meat off of the fish with your chopsticks it almost melts as it is so soft and succulent.  Oh, and the taste – garlic, beer, and all sorts of other ingredients.  I cannot say that I’ve ever had better fish.  If you come to Yangshuo, be sure to try the beer fish!

And the tofu is ready!

Desert, aside from the wine was a nice mixture of fruit.  China has such a variety of food and fruits and vegetables.  It seems that you could eat something new everyday and still find more culinary experiences. 

After we ate, we chatted over a glass of wine and enjoyed the beautiful views of the Li River.  Even if you don’t cook, I’d recommend the Yangshuo Outdoor Cooking School.  It was such a wonderful afternoon.

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Eagle Hunting day 2

Posted in Travel with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 10, 2009 by scotttraveler

On our second day, we went in the opposite direction to see if we would have some better luck finding our prey.  We climbed the mountain directly behind the hunting lodge and then crested the summit.  At the top the landscape looked somewhat different from the mountains that we had climbed in the south the day before.  Well, actually, the horses did all the climbing LOL.  The weather was better than yesterday; the sun was out and shining brightly.  Dalaihan said that the sun would bring the animals out.

At the top of the first mountain we looked down into a bowl-shaped valley and it reminded me of some of the craters on the moon.  The entire landscape was devoid of any plant life except for some yellow grass that poked up through the snow here and there.  Large rocks were strewn about and I pictured the battery-powered moon buggy racing across the barren landscape.

As we crossed the crater valley and came up the other side, I saw that there was a man, sitting in the snow, all by himself.  He was just sitting there as if at a bus stop.  As cold as I was, I couldn’t imagine anyone just sitting out here.  Baatar and Dalaihan rode ahead to meet the man and began talking with him.  When I inquired as to his identity, they said that he was a neighbor and that he was watching his flock.  I looked around and I didn’t see any flock.  I guess the animals have a large roaming area.  The man agreed to help us “scare up” some rabbits and fox.  He walked around the left side of the hill in order to “flank” the back side of the mountain and move any rabbits that might be out on this sunny day.

We continued climbing the hill and I admired the beautiful landscape.  I saw some more red lichens and remembered to get a photo of them.  I noticed that the rocks and pebbles seemed to have so many colors of black and brown, blue, grey, tan, white, and so many other natural shades of color.  My polarized sun glasses cut down the glare and really brought out the colors of the rocks and grass sticking up out of the fresh layers of snow.  I wished that I had my SLR camera and its polarized lenses so that I could more accurately capture the beauty of this land.  My little “deck of cards sized” camera just wasn’t up to the task.  At least with the sun out the camera won’t have a problem with the white balance.  But, the glare really seemed to confuse the processor.  As I look at the photos on the computer, they just aren’t close to what I saw with the naked eye.  But take my word for it, the scenery was spectacular.

We had not seen any rabbit or fox and after we crested 2 or 3 more mountains we stopped to take a break.  I took a moment and captured some photos.  Dalaihan and his eagle always made such good subjects and I took many photos of them.

My riding ability increased by the second day and I was climbing on and off of my horse with ease and shooting photos while mounted.  Many times, I would stop my horse to shoot a photo and just as I was about to take a photo, my horse would squirm.  Part of Alpamys’ duties were to make sure that the group stayed together and he often “herded” my horse along.  I later figured out that as Alpamys came up behind me, my horse thought that he was going to get swatted and would start to walk again blurring my shot.

At the top of one mountain the terrain looked particularly rough.  There were jagged rocks that stuck up through the snow and I was sure that my horse would have trouble walking across the icy rocks.  But as sure as he had walked in the past, he went right over the rocks and ice with ease.  He continually amazed me with his ability to hold his footing in this difficult terrain.

After a few hours of hunting, we came to a rather large mountain.  We climbed about three quarters of the way to the top and then cut towards the left constantly watching downhill for prey.  Dalaihan was about ten feet ahead of me when the eagle flexed and tried to fly.  He looked about the same as a dog that has just spotted a cat, he crouched, his wings came up, his head shot forward as he starred down the hill, and the feathers on the back of his neck shot straight out.

Dalaihan instinctively let him go and he soared down the hill hugging its contours.  I was quite excited and yelled to Baatar who was behind me that the eagle was flying.  He yelled shouted back, “What is he going for, do you see anything?”  We watched and when the eagle was about 300 meters from us, I saw it, a huge rabbit.  This rabbit was massive; it looked to be the size of a small dog.  It ran from the left to the right about 20 yards and then stopped.  It was too far away for me to see which way it was looking, but I guessed that it was looking up at the massive eagle that was descending on it…

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